Monday, October 17, 2016

Now That I'm Back....

Now that I am back, I can tell you why I have not posted on here as much as I have wanted to. I decided to do a fast. I didn't fast food like most people think a fast is. I decided to fast sewing instead. Why? Because it was something that I do all the time and I really wanted to spend some time in prayer and in order to listen, I needed to spend the time used in sewing to pray instead. I gave up sewing for a week. Well, I did learn something. I felt like God was telling me to slow down, take the time to learn new things and enjoy using the talent He has given me. So I have been doing that. I have made a couple projects but two projects in a two week period is not that much compared to trying to complete 3-4 in a week. I also felt God telling me to expand my knowledge of sewing. I found a really awesome wallet pattern, which I will be able to coordinate with different bags. I will also be documenting the projects so you can keep up with what I am doing.  One of my next projects I will be doing will be in the form of a class that I am taking. I am taking a class at my local sewing store. I will try to take pics here and there so I can show you what I am doing and how much fun I will be having. Noah has been begging me to make something for him so I think I will make this project for him. The class I am taking is a how to class featuring the Zip it Up case by ByAnnie. The pattern features two sizes. I will be making the smaller case.   
You can find the pattern for this case here  I will keep you updated as to how it turns out. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more project posts! Until then, Happy Sewing!!